Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wow! big gap since my first blog. Frankly,it was an exceedingly chaotic time for me. Now I'm back at.
I picked up a couple of Dean Koontz novels at a second hand store.Whispers and Winter Moon. But I can only read these one at a time; i.e., they are so intense I will take a break between the first and the second. Koontz fits my core idea for this blog: his novels are for the reader of thrillers and of supernatural or gothic thrillers. His religious views are evident but not intrusive, and evident in two ways: first, his characters often are Catholics and attend mass or confession or consult priests as a matter of course--no big deal. Second, the underlying moral/spiritual universe is Catholic. There are angels, there are ghosts, there are miracles and there are good and bad. There is a belief in the sanctity of life that stands against, for example, euthanasia and cloning.
Still, I'm never sure i'm going to like the next Koontz. Nearly all his books take place in the space of a few days. I prefer stories that change the pace: crime novels generally do this: slow detecting for weeks or months or (in the James Ellroy novel I just finished, Clandestine, five) years. Frenetic action, then life goes on, then more frenetic action.

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